for individuals with Chronic, Unexplained Symptoms who are serious about regaining their energy & Reclaiming their lives

"How I went from hospital bed to spending quality time with loved ones, traveling, and exercising in 11 months using this Simple Discovery"

and how we've helped hundreds of people do the same

Overcome Fatigue | Brain fog | chronic pain | vertigo & dizziness | internal vibrations | mysterious symptoms

to make this experience as engaging as possible, we can only onboard 20 Thrivers Every month into the program. If this page is online right now, then a few spots are still available. 

Have you experienced any of these symptoms that remain unexplained or unresolved by medical professionals?

If you responded with a "yes" to any of these questions, I want to share some significant information with you:

You're absolutely
NOT imagining things, these symptoms AREN'T just figments of your imagination, and you're not facing this challenge alone...

And, more importantly...

There exists a
single explanation for all these puzzling symptoms...

Plus, there's a solution in store (and it's not what you might expect)!

How do I have this knowledge? Because I've been in your shoes, right where you are now... feeling incredibly unwell without understanding why, and frustrated by all the efforts I made to recover without any clear answers or solutions.

Here’s what we don’t do...

  • We don't prescribe you more medicine

  • We don’t give you a magic solution that makes this go away in 3 days

  • We don’t tell you it’s all in your head

  • ​We don't tell you you'll have to deal with this for the rest of your life

Here’s what we do...

  • We help you recover by showing you the EXACT cause of your symptoms

  • Teach you how to FIX your symptoms for good

  • ​Build you a personalized plan to make sure you CONTINUE IMPROVING 

  • ​Help you AVOID RELAPSES and setbacks so that 2 years later you don’t end up with mysterious symptoms again

Application Deadline for January 15th Intake (14/20 Spots Available)

To be clear, this is not a course. This is an Interactive Recovery System.

While courses are great for learning new skills and gaining knowledge, a system offers a more comprehensive and step-by-step approach to achieving specific outcomes or goals. Our system provides ongoing support, accountability, and engagement through a combination of videos, coaching calls, and a community of like-minded individuals. Ultimately, our system offers a more powerful and effective learning experience than a "do-it-yourself" course.

What is it?

Our Recovery System designed to help people struggling with CFS, Panic Disorder, or a Hypersensitive Nervous System learn how to once and for all overcome the fatigue, pain, and symptoms that come along with the illness. 

We will guide you through the different stages of recovery + we'll help you learn what you need to do specifically in each stage so that you can avoid the mistakes that most people make and achieve lasting results.

Who is this for?

Our Recovery System was designed for people who experience fatigue, strange neurological symptoms, or chronic pain at a level that keeps them from participating in normal activities (doing groceries, minor physical activities, social events...etc).

This is for people who have already seen multiple doctors and specialists, received multiple negative tests, and been told...


"Just get some rest..."

"Give it some time and you might get better..."

Or have flat out told you "We don't know what's wrong..."

If you've just recently discovered that you might have CFS,  have been trying to recover for a while but can't seem to make any progress, or if you're already been making slow progress over time, our Recovery System can help you take your health to the next level.

Who is this NOT for?

If you have a severe, diagnosed, incurable condition then this isn't for you. 

This is not a 'get better overnight' system: It was NOT designed to help you regenerate energy and get rid of symptoms if you have a wedding to go to next week. That kind of "quick fix" solution does not exist and are often empty promises from people who can not help you.

Our members are ready to do the work and are willing to learn new concepts - they do not pass the blame if it doesn't "make a night and day difference" right from day 1.

Rewiring your nervous system so it functions normally again takes time and effort. This is a system that requires your commitment to put in the work needed to create change in your recovery journey. 

How does it work?

You will go through the modules of the program for the first 4 weeks and complete the action tasks. Learn and grow exponentially via peer-learning inside our Inner Circle Group (while having a community that's got your back all along your journey). 

The lessons are unlocked weekly, meaning you won't be able to skip any information. Each week we'll be diving deep into the concepts covered for that specific week on a group Zoom call (these calls are approximately 90 minutes long). 

You also have direct support from other members in the community and direct access to coaches in a private chat. 

How Do I Access Everything?

You can access everything inside our Skool Community and Discord Platform (for direct messaging your assigned coaches). 


  Recover Using Data Driven Metrics: The roadmap we create for you is based on data from your specific situation. There are several factors that determine what your plan will look like and it can be confusing to create a plan on your own, that's where we come in and use our proven system to pinpoint your areas of focus.

  Custom Implementation Call: Within 2 weeks of starting the program, you'll be on a call with the coaches where together we will identify and solve your biggest bottleneck to recovery (and you'll have your personalized accountability / action steps based on you symptoms, activity level, history, and more).

  Access to Inner Circle Community: You'll be invited to our private Thriver Inner Circle where the CFS Recovery team members are there to greet you and answer any questions you have within 24 hours, 5 days a week. You will also introduce yourself and share your wins with 300+ other members determined to recover.

Application Deadline for January 15th Intake (14/20 Spots Available)

How long is the program?

The program is 12 months long. In the beginning, there are 4 weeks of Modules filled with simplified information about recovery.

In addition, there are regular individual check-in calls with a Thriver coach where we help you stay on track and give you specific advice for your specific situation.

You'll have access to ongoing weekly group calls, check-in calls, and coaches so that 1, 6, 12 months down the road you still have support on your journey. 

Why does it exist?

We created this Recovery System because there simply wasn't a solution out there focused SPECIFICALLY on the exact steps needed to get better AND had the hands-on support through ongoing small group weekly coaching video calls. 

(If you  haven't already, watch the video above to learn exactly why I created this Recovery System)

Using Our System, You'll:

  • Understand exactly what caused you to be where you are today so you can avoid this situation again in the future.

  • Discover a step-by-step recovery process designed to help you confidently improve month over month, regardless of where you're at today. We want to help you work towards this goal if you're not there already.

  • Learn how to shift your body towards parasympathetic mode - the ultimate healing state of the body.

  • ​Learn the tools required to manage overwhelming symptoms such as the brain retraining exercise for chronic pain, a simple brain retraining technique to combat anxiety and negative thoughts (an exercise that take split seconds) and easy-to-do daily activities for your specific situation

  • Learn how to manage the emotional rollercoaster that comes with this illness following a proven recovery path that has been the foundation for many people's recoveries from all around the world.

​Reprogram your nervous system from 'panic and fear' to become someone who remains calm in the face of symptoms and setbacks.


We 100% GUARANTEE that if you work with us inside RecoveryJumpstart and you don't think it's one of the best investments you've ever made I'll refund your entire investment amount AND you can keep all the PDFs, Guides, and Customized plan we built.

That’s right - as long as in the first 30 days you attend all the group calls (2x/week), check-in calls (2), and you've watched through the video modules, just email us or let your coach know at day 30 of joining and you’ll get an immediate refund.

We have not found one other CFS program that offers this.

Either I’ve gone completely insane (possible) or I really believe Recovery Jumpstart has everything you need to take your recovery journey to the next level.

Show me someone else online that is standing behind their products like this?

I’ll wait…

That’s what I thought, I mean at this point, what do you have to lose by getting on a call with us?

You have a no-questions asked, money-back guarantee.



"Struggling with heart palpitations, fatigue, and relentless symptoms, he found hope in Recovery Jumpstart. Through the program, Colin regained his physical capabilities and the joy of everyday activities, including an incredible business trip that made him momentarily forget he was ever sick."

Colin, Toronto, Canada

"See how less than 3 months after joining Recovery Jumpstart, Crista has made incredible changes in her physical and mental health. From struggling to stand up for 5 minutes to walking a mile or two every day and enjoying live concerts, Crista's recovery is truly inspiring."

Crista, California, United States

"Meet Junior, a fellow Thriver whose journey mirrors the struggles many of us face. From insurmountable tasks to thriving in work and life, witness his incredible transformation with Recovery Jumpstart—a source of hope and inspiration for your own path to thriving."

Junior, Florida ,United States

"2 months ago I was scared to even stand up because my heart rate was so high...I've already made a huge improvements. Now I'm going to the grocery store, I'm cooking dinner for my husband. You have to start with a mind shift and then everything is going to come after."

Adrianne, South Carolina, United States 

"Experience David's journey from bedridden to conquering Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Discover his resilience and recovery strategies. If you're on your path to healing, this video will motivate and empower you to persevere"

David, Singapore

"I had weeks and months where I was definitely housebound and bedbound, I had really brutal crashes where I couldn't speak...I was hanging on for dear life...but here I am and I'm sitting comfortably. I've felt normal for the first time in six years"

Nicole, Melbourne, Australia

Some of what you'll DISCOVER

Copyright 2024 CFS Recovery Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advice, this is based on personal experience and research that helped myself and others improve their health conditions. This is for information and educational purposes only. Please consult with your medical professional.

I understand that this content is designed to help me specifically with recovery from my hypersensitive nervous system issue, not past traumas or other medical conditions that are unrelated to my current symptoms.

I am aware and understand that Miguel Bautista and other coaches at CFS Recovery are not medical doctors or therapists

I have done my due diligence to get medical scans and tests, and have received no explanation, diagnosis, or treatment plan that explains my health situation. I have followed doctors' and specialists' recommendations up to this point. I am taking part in CFS Recovery methods because I have not seen results working with other medical professionals and I wish to explore an alternative approach working with CFS Recovery.