CFS Recovery Academy

Join a solution-focused group of individuals who are actually recovering from CFS, Fibromyalgia, Long Covid, and Dysautonomia!

Have you experienced any of these symptoms that remain unexplained or unresolved by medical professionals?

If you responded with a "yes" to any of these questions, I want to share some significant information with you:

You're absolutely NOT imagining things, these symptoms AREN'T just figments of your imagination, and you're not facing this challenge alone...

And, more importantly...

There exists a single explanation for all these puzzling symptoms...

Plus, there's a solution in store (and it's not what you might expect)!

How do I have this knowledge? Because I've been in your shoes, right where you are now... feeling incredibly unwell without understanding why, and frustrated by all the efforts I made to recover without any clear answers or solutions.

Here’s What We Don’t Do...
(The Old Way)

  • We don't prescribe you more medicine...
  • We don’t give you an unrealistic "magic solution" that makes this go away in 3 days...
  • We don’t tell you it’s all in your head...
  • ​We don't tell you you'll have to deal with this for the rest of your life...
  • ​We don't give you cookie cutter solutions and leave you to figure this all out on your own...

Here’s What We Do
(The New Way)

  • We help you recover by showing you the EXACT cause of your symptoms
  • ​We teach you how to FIX your symptoms with simple Brain Retraining
  • ​We building a PERSONALIZED PLAN to make sure you continue improving, that way we can...
  • AVOID ANY RELAPSES or setbacks so down the road you don’t end up with CFS again.

So if you're dealing with mysterious symptoms and fatigue that aren't getting any better (maybe getting even worse), the doctors can't explain what's going on, and you've tried seemingly "everything" and you're STILL not getting better, keep on reading...

Here's how CFS Recovery Academy works:

We've created the CFS Recovery Academy, an accessible, community-focused program that will help you navigate your recovery journey through group coaching. However, to ensure the highest quality of attention and interaction, we are offering a limited number of spots.


The Recovery Academy was born out of a desire to provide an affordable, accessible, and effective solution for those struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome and other nervous system disorders.

We noticed that many people were seeking deeper guidance and a personalized approach that online content alone couldn't provide

this is how we help you get better

1. Nervous System Health Assessment + Strategy Call

We're not here to give you a prescription not knowing your situation...

7 days after joining, once you get a better understanding of the ins and outs of recovery, you'll gain access to the Nervous System Health Assessment + Strategy Call. This unique tool helps us identify your unique roadblocks in your recovery and focus on the areas we need to improve to gain momentum. After you submit your test, a call will be scheduled with one of our trained (and fully recovered) team members to provide you with a plan outline tailored to your situation.

2. Solution Focused Community

The Recovery Academy community is a platform for sharing wins, asking questions, and interacting with individuals who truly understand your experiences. Here, you'll meet other people just like yourself whose #1 priority in life is to recover, as well as those who are just a few steps ahead of you and regaining their health.

3. Interactive Weekly Group Coaching Calls

We will host 6 one and a half hour group coaching calls per week led by a recovered Thriver Coach and fellow Academy members. These sessions are ideal for addressing your questions, sharing victories, and learning from others.
There are two call times which will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (American Time):


4. Easy To Follow Video Modules

Two structured sets of video modules are included in the program. First, the Recovery Foundations Masterclass will provide the core knowledge and actionable steps to help recalibrate your hypersensitive nervous system during your first week. Second, you will have access to the Recovery Science Blueprint Breakdown (13 video modules that cover the most important frameworks of recovery).

Just a Recap of What You're Getting

#1: Recovery Foundations Masterclass 

Each day will be unlocked in 24 hour intervals starting from the moment you sign up.

Accountability Tasks To Make Sure You're Implementing What You're Learning

  • Reawakening Your Awareness Exercise
  • Properly Implementing Neuroplasticity
  • ​Brain Retraining for Chronic Pain
  • ​Implementing a Sustainable Activity Plan
  • ​Building Momentum - Creating a List of Recovery Evidence

#2 Recovery science video modules

With the Recovery Science Blueprint Breakdown Modules, you're gaining knowledge that will be a game-changer in your recovery journey. 


The Recovery Science Blueprint will help you decode your body's signals. You'll understand what's happening in your body, why you're feeling a certain way, and how to make progress in your recovery based on proven recovery principles that are helping people all around the world.
  • The Stress Threshold
  • ​Anxiety: The Magnifying Glass
  • ​Disrupting the Anxiety Cycle (Downward Spiral)
  • ​The Chronic Pain Loop
  • ​Chronic vs. Acute Pain
  • ​Your Brain's Pain Centres
  • The Upward Spiral of Recovery
  • ​Primary vs. Secondary Symptoms
  • ​Expanding Activity
  • ​Progress Cycles
  • ​BONUS: Gaining Momentum in Recovery
  • BONUS: The Recovery Path

**BONUS: You'll receive a downloadable copy of the 33-page PDF filled with visuals and simplified explanations

#3: Join a Community That Understands and Supports Your Journey

At the heart of the Recovery Academy is a vibrant community that's more than just a support group. It's a place where understanding, empathy, and collective wisdom come together to create a nurturing environment for recovery.

How This Community Will Help

Shared Experiences: Connect with others who are walking the same path. Hear their stories, learn from their struggles, and celebrate their victories.
Daily Motivation: Being part of a group that's focused on recovery provides daily inspiration and the drive to keep moving forward.
A Safe Space: Freely express your challenges and fears in a judgment-free zone where everyone understands what you're going through.


Our group coaching sessions are more than just meetings; they are lifelines that connect you to expertise and collective insights.

Why Group Coaching is Effective

  • Diverse Perspectives: Learn how other Thrivers are implementing our principles to make massive progress on their recovery journeys
  • ​Expert Guidance: These calls are led by trained Thriver Coaches (former CFS sufferers) who have successfully navigated the journey. Our Thriver Coaches offer practical, actionable advice.
  • Live Interaction: Ask specific questions about any roadblocks your dealing with in getting answers in real time.

#4: Personalize Your Path with Your 
Nervous System Health Assessment + Strategy Call

#4: Personalize Your Path with Your Nervous System Health Assessment + Strategy Call

Key Features of the Health Analysis Test

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Explore key health areas for a full understanding of your condition.
  • ​Identify Roadblocks: Discover any underlying obstacles and roadblocks getting in the way of progress. 
  • Customized Action Plan: Get a personalized plan based on your test results, focusing on your unique needs.

More Than Just a Test:

  • 1-on-1 Strategy Call with a Recovered Coach:  Receive personalized guidance and specific actionable steps in your 30 day roadmap plan after taking the test. 
  • ​Clear, Concise Report: After completing the test, get a simple, straightforward PDF report highlighting key focus areas to jumpstart your recovery.

Recovery Academy vs. Other Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum commitment to Recovery Academy?

You can cancel at anytime, however to see the best results, we recommend a minimum commitment of 3 months in the Recovery Academy. While 1 month is not enough, joining for at least 3 months provides the necessary time to implement strategies, receive support, and experience significant progress. Please note that this program is not suitable for those looking to just "try it out." Successful recovery from chronic conditions requires dedication and consistent effort over an extended period.

Can I learn at my own pace?

Yes, the program is designed for self-paced learning. You have access to the video modules that cover the Recovery Foundations Masterclass and the Recovery Science Blueprint Breakdown. You can watch and review the content based on your own schedule and needs.

What is included in the video modules?

The video modules provide essential knowledge and actionable steps to help recalibrate your hypersensitive nervous system. The Recovery Foundations Masterclass is the focus for the first 7 days, followed by the Recovery Science Blueprint Breakdown. Additional video modules may be added in the future.

How does the community aspect work?

The program includes access to a community tab where you can share your wins, ask questions, and introduce yourself to other members. This community provides a supportive and solution-focused environment. Please note that negativity is not tolerated, and participants hindering progress may be removed from the group.

What are the weekly group coaching calls?

The program offers four 1.5 hour group coaching calls per week. These calls provide an opportunity to connect with a recovered Thriver Coach and fellow Academy members. You can have your questions answered, share wins, and learn from others who are on similar recovery journeys.

Is there a specific assessment to identify roadblocks in recovery?

Yes, upon signing up, you will have access to the CFS Analysis Test and a strategy call. The CFS Analysis Test is a game-changing tool that helps pinpoint roadblocks in your recovery. The strategy call will focus on identifying areas to focus on and creating a plan to overcome these roadblocks.

Is the Recovery Academy suitable for all symptom severities?

The Recovery Academy is designed to cater to individuals with varying symptom severities. If you're experiencing mild, moderate, or severe symptoms, the program offers valuable insights, tools, and support to help you on your recovery journey. The video modules, community, and coaching calls are tailored to accommodate participants at different stages of their healing process.

What if I can't attend the live coaching calls?

We understand that scheduling conflicts may arise. If you're unable to attend the live coaching calls, don't worry. All coaching calls are recorded, and you'll have access to the replays. You can listen to them at your convenience and still benefit from the insights and discussions shared during those sessions.

Is there a guarantee of success?

While we cannot guarantee specific outcomes or a complete recovery for everyone, the Recovery Academy provides a proven framework and support system to maximize your chances of success. We have witnessed many Thrivers experience significant improvements and reclaim their lives. We are committed to guiding and supporting you throughout your recovery journey, but individual progress depends on personal commitment.

What Some Of Our Members Are Saying

From uncertainty to clarity, this program has guided my journey through symptom recovery. I've moved from having countless unanswered questions to receiving expert advice tailored to my specific needs.

Witnessing my own progress over just a month, I realized that what felt impossible is now within reach. This program isn't just about managing symptoms; it's about transforming lives.
Maria, Toronto, Canada
Progress may be silent, but it's significant. From where I stood in August to now, the change is immense. It's a lesson for life, showing that anyone can benefit and become a better version of themselves through this program.
Roland, Netherlands
I've never asked a question that you guys have no answer to; you have seen it all.

I came with so many symptoms that seemed's amazing to see how much progress I've made. Joining the program helped me in ways I never thought possible. I've seen real changes in how I feel day-to-day, which seemed impossible before.
Jessica, New Jersey

The Recovery System we're showing you is exactly what we used to help...

Nicole went from couchbound and bedridden to vacationing with her family with zero symptoms...

Nikki went from extreme CFS, MCAS, and Nervous System Issues to handstands and eating anything without reactions...

Jackie went from housebound to running and enjoying time with family again...

David went from bedridden to hiking carrying his 1 year old son...

Crista went from blackout curtains and spending days in dark rooms to hiking 10+ miles at a time with zero symptoms...

Ariel went from walking with a cane to celebrating New Years at the club

Adrianne went from terrified to stand up due to POTS symptoms to training for a duathlon...

Matt went from struggling walking up stairs to intense workouts again...

Alessia went from housebound for 12 years to power walks everyday...

And so many more stories just ilke these...

At this point you've seen the you have two options from here:

Option 1: 

- Continue doing this on your own, hoping to see drastic improvements at some point
- Keep dealing with those relentless symptoms, uncertainty, and the daily struggle
- Continue bouncing from one treatment to another, often with no real breakthrough
Stick to the same path which has got you to where you are now
- Continue spending money on potential solutions (hoping they work)
- Stay on this journey alone without the support of others who understand you

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result"

Option 2: 

- Follow a proven system for recovery that's working for hundreds of people 
- Understand the exact roadblocks that are prolonging your progress
- Learn how to recover and STAY recovered for good (never worry about relapses again)
- Ask questions to coaches who have actually recovered and are guiding you
- Be surrounded by others on the same mission as you
- Stop risking money on treatments that "might" work and invest it into a program that has a money-back gaurantee

"Dream the impossible. Know that you are born in this world to do something wonderful and unique; don't let this opportunity pass by."

No Risk, 100% Money Back Gaurantee

After getting access to the Recovery Academy and you within 30 days you STILL feel like it wasn't worth the $297 after attending at least 8 Group Calls + your 1-1 Roadmap Call with a coach, just email us and we'll provide you a 100% refund no questions asked. 


Cancel Anytime | No Long-Term Contract

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DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advice, this is based on personal experience and research that helped myself and others improve their health conditions. This is for information and educational purposes only. Please consult with your medical professional.

I understand that this program is designed to help me specifically with recovery from my hypersensitive nervous system issue, not past traumas or other medical conditions that are unrelated to my current symptoms.

I am aware and understand that Miguel Bautista and other coaches in the program are not medical doctors or therapists

I have done my due diligence to get medical scans and tests, and have received no explanation, diagnosis, or treatment plan that explains my health situation. I have followed doctors' and specialists' recommendations up to this point. I am taking part in CFS Recovery methods because I have not seen results working with other medical professionals and I wish to explore an alternative approach working with CFS Recovery.

Copyright 2022 CFS Recovery Inc. - All Rights Reserved.