"For Individuals With Chronic, Unexplained Symptoms Who Are Serious About Regaining Their Energy & Reclaiming Their Lives"

See how less than 3 months after joining Recovery Jumpstart, Crista has made incredible changes in her physical and mental health. From struggling to stand up for 5 minutes to walking a mile or two every day and enjoying live concerts, Crista's recovery is truly inspiring.
Crista, California, United States
When I started this program, I could barely eat a thing. I could barely walk to my mailbox. But now I'm walking up and down the street...I couldn't look at a screen for more than three seconds. Now I'm working full time all day, every day, looking at a screen, clocking out and playing video games till nine, 10 o'clock at night.
Junior, Florida, United States 
When I first started the program, I would be in bed 95%- 98% of the time. I couldn't be upright. No sitting, panic attacks 24/7...

I couldn't move. Sometimes I would be paralyzed for an hour. I was in the wheelchair. To go to the bathroom was like a battle.
Mitsuo, San Paolo, Brazil
I had weeks and months where I was definitely housebound and bedbound, I had really brutal crashes where I couldn't speak...I was hanging on for dear life...but here I am and I'm sitting comfortably. I've felt normal for the first time in six years 
Nicole, Melbourne, Australia
2 months ago I was scared to even stand up because my heart rate was so high...I've already made a huge improvements. Now I'm going to the grocery store, I'm cooking dinner for my husband. You have to start with a mind shift and then everything is going to come after. 
Adrianne, South Carolina, United States 
I had to use a stick to walk because I couldn't stand upright for more than 20 seconds. Couldn't walk longer than a hundred meters with a stick. Right now I can do 10,000 steps a day no problem…I ride my motorcycle 100-200 kilometres at a time.
Christoph, Germany
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